Thursday, December 27, 2012

Final Round: Mission Accomplished

We are home after a 12 hour day at Dana-Farber and we are exhausted. I will write more tomorrow about this huge milestone in my recovery, but for now, several photos will suffice.

I should explain where some of these goofy photos come from ... Kirsten surprised me with a huge Container Store bag of endless goodies. We enjoyed them all day long...


Brian and did a Word Search competition and learned that we have completely different strategies. A good team, I guess! 
Brian and my Mom were terrified by these plastic teeth. So I kept wearing them. 
We enjoyed some good old school Mad Libs.

4 down. 0 to go. 
Off to bed, still Powered by Optimism...


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Dyanne, for your constant support. You are wonderful and I am thinking if you and your family. Have a wonderful New Year!

    2. Right back at you, Tara! So glad I found your blog.

  2. That's wonderful, congratulations! Do you go on to radiation therapy or are you done with active treatment?

    Either way, at least in my experience, the really tough stuff is behind you just in time for a fresh start to the new year!

    1. Hi Kate,
      I am so lucky to not need radiation. WIth the double mastectomy, they think they got it all and that the chemo was enough to clean up the rest. Plus, the Herceptin will be key. How are you doing? Thank you so much for reaching out. You are in my thoughts. Happy New Year!

    2. Hi Tara, look at me the Johnny-come-lately reading your reply--Sorry! That's terrific that you're done with the hardest stuff, and prayers that the rest is much, much easier and very successful (go get 'em, Herceptin)!

      I finished my last day of rads a couple of weeks ago, so now it's on to Tamoxifin and a clinical trial. So far so good!

      So hooray for us both, we did it! And here's to a bright and *easy* 2013!


  3. Wonderful news! So proud of you!

  4. Yahoo!!
    It's been quite a wild roller coaster ride-
    but you've made it through to the end :)

  5. Just happeneed upon your are a true inspiration!
