Thursday, November 29, 2012

Good Words: Beginnings

Today after a wonderful visit from Maggie, I got to work. Soon my colleagues and I will file all of our documents for Wendy's case and prepare for her hearing before an immigration judge. Tonight, those documents need my attention, so I won't have time to write. Still, I wanted to post a quote fitting for Wendy's journey and, perhaps, also fitting for part of mine.

There will come a time when you believe everything is finished.  
That will be the beginning. 
-- Louis L'Amour

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tara,
    We have never met but I saw the story about you in Bowdoin Daily Sun. I am a Bowdoin grad (85) and was diagnosed a couple of weeks after you. I have two more out of six chemos and then will have a double mastectomy and implants, and likely radiation after that. I apprciate your writing. I too have been enjoying Homeland, and if you haven't watched Mad Men I watched 4 seasons since fhe chemo started. It is worthy! My blog, which I don't update as often as you (I should be more conscientious) is Anyway, I just wanted to wish you the very best, from someone in similar shoes, on the other side of the country. One more thing. You are an inspiration re: being bald. I have been much more self conscious, and wishing I wasn't. Take good care,
    Laura Snyder
